On January 15, seven dedicated members of the St. Andrews Woman’s Club engaged in a day of service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. at Palmetto Animal Assisted Living Services (PAALS). The group, consisting of Shelly Langston, Kim Julin, Lynne Hauptner, Mary North, Anne Marie Shepherd, and Kaye Hunke, showcased their commitment to community welfare.
In a heartwarming display of community compassion, the St. Andrews Woman’s Club orchestrated a successful fundraising effort during their November meeting to support Operation Smile. This charitable organization plays a pivotal role in transforming the lives of thousands of children who grapple with cleft lip and cleft palate.
The Habitat Garden at the Irmo Branch Library is a special place for community members to savor nature.
Recently Lexington County pruned trees, the St Andrew’s Woman’s Club weeded, raked and pruned perennials and shrubs, and the Lake Murray/Irmo Woman’s Club provided and spread fresh mulch with help from Dutch Fork High School’s ROTC. And in every season, the Irmo Branch Library staff works to keep this garden litter-free for us all to enjoy.
The St Andrews Woman’s Club (SAWC) started the 2023-2024 year with a Summer Social and membership gathering at the General Federation Woman’s Club – South Carolina (GFWC-SC) Headquarters located at 1511 Laurel Street in Columbia on August 20.
Earlier this month, some of the St. Andrews Woman’s Club members put up signs and pinwheels at Leo’s Landing to bring awareness to Child Abuse since April is Prevent Child Abuse Month. Pictured left to right are Barbara Cross, Jo Norris, Gail Elfert, and Elizabeth Taylor.
St. Andrews Woman’s Club held their annual fundraiser recently with members and friends in the community gathering to play Bunco. The event had food and drinks, a silent auction, and a 50/50 board. Money raised will be donated to local charities in the community.
St. Andrews Woman's Club held a drop-in on March 19 to celebrate its 60th Anniversary. The event was held at the GFWC-SC Headquarters on Laurel Street in Columbia. Current members, former members as well as prospective members attended the event.
PicturedSome of the past presidents of SAWC who attended the event
The GFWC-SC St. Andrews Woman’s Club celebrated an end-of-year banquet at the GFWC Headquarters, located in downtown Columbia. During the evening, Debbie Bell was recognized as the Clubwoman of the Year and Susan Smith was recognized with the Dianne McCarty Spirit Award. The installation of new officers for the 2023-2024 club year was also conducted. New Officers are Laurie O’Kelly, president; Frances Hill and Susan Smith, first vice-presidents; Jan Michell-Connor, Shelly Langston, second vice-presidents; Debbie Bell, Susan Dox, and Diane Bozard., third vice-presidents; Beth Smith-Pollom, secretary; Gail Elfert, treasurer; and Daryl Hendrix, advisor.
Pictured from L to R Susan Smith, Frances Hill, Debbie Bell, Susan Dox, Diane Bozard, Jan Mitchell-Conner, Laurie O'Kelly, Beth Smith-Pollom, Daryl Hendrix, Gail Elfert, and Kristen Field not pictured Shelly Langston.
The club looks forward to a new year beginning in August and welcomes community members interested in joining. www.sawc-sc.org
St. Andrews Woman’s Club was pleased to be a recipient of an NPO grant at the Irmo Town Council Meeting on Tuesday, March15. NPO grants are given to non-profit organizations to help strengthen their causes. SAWC will use the money for scholarships to be presented this spring. Accepting the grant from Mayor Barry Walker was Daryl Hendrix, president of the club. Other club members attending the presentation were (l to r) Frances Hill, Kaye Hunke, Shelly Langston, Daryl Hendrix, and Nancy Schmidt.
Kaye Jones, Daryl Hendrix, Elizabeth Ingleheart, VP of Advancement, Frances Hill, Elise Shafer, Development Associate, and Gail Elfert present a scholarship check to Transitions. Funds for this scholarship were provided by an NPO grant from the town of Irmo.
Daryl Hendrix, Shawn Caraballo, Executive Director, Frances Hill, Gail Elfert, and Kaye Jones present a scholarship to Palmetto Place. Funds for this scholarship were provided by an NPO grant from the town of Irmo.
SAWC members present a scholarship check to Lisa Fusco, Director of Development & Communication at Epworth Children's Home. Funds for this scholarship were provided by an NPO grant from the town of Irmo.
Enjoying good fellowship with our new members, the past presidents of St. Andrews Woman's Club make this an annual event to get to know the new members. Pictured above:Carol Ann Williams, Libby Overcash, Jo Norris, Beth Taylor, Sara Dawson, Frances Hill, Sarah Osterguard, Maureen Taylor, Kaye Jones, Gail Elfert, Daryl
St. Andrews Woman’s Club club presented a check to PAALS (Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services). Present in the picture are Debbie Bell, SAWC member, Edith Bailey and Melissa Payne, PAALS Operations Manager and Executive Director, and Kaye Hunke SAWC member. We also had the opportunity to see the new litter of nine puppies. PAALS will keep one male and one female from the litter. Our club has the naming rights to one of the puppies and the male puppy will be named Floyd in honor of our member Linda Floyd, who passed away from cancer last year.
The corporate mission of Palmetto Animal Assisted Life Services is to enrich and empower children and adults with physical, intellectual and emotional disabilities by training service animals and providing animal assisted educational, therapeutic, and recreational activities.
PAALS trains ervice dogs to be placed with qualifying individuals in South Carolina and surrounding states within 230 miles. During their two-year training period, each canine student also participates in dozens of outreach activities and presentations designed to educate the public about disabilities, service animals and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In this way, each dog in our training program touches the lives of about 1,000 people annually.
In April members of the St. Andrew’s Woman’s Club met at Leeza’s Care Connection to clean out the flower bed under their sign and plant fresh flowers. The 8 flats of Vinca were generously donated by Seven Oaks Plant Shop. The members participating were Mary North, Ann Martin, Barbara Williams, Susan Smith, Terri Boltin, Shelly Langston, Kaye Hunke, and Carol Ann Williams
Members of the St. Andrews Woman’s Club joined Jane Hiller, curator of the Irmo Library Garden, to help clean up the garden by spreading mulch and pulling weeds. L-T: Jane Hiller, Shelly Langston, Ann Martin, and Barbara Williams.
Our club recently presented a check to Canoeing for Kids. Present in the picture are Mary North, Kaye Hunke, Jane Jeffcoat and Carol Ann Williams from our club, and Jay Alley, Development Director for Canoeing for Kids.
Canoeing for Kids is a non profit organization serving as a free recreational outlet for disadvantaged children.
Canoeing for Kids’ primary function is to provide free canoeing and kayaking trips for underprivileged children. More than Nineteen Thousand kids have benefited from the experience of being “on the water” and “in the woods’ over the past twelve years. Teamwork, self-reliance, sense of accomplishment, as well as awareness and conservation of nature is achieved while the kids simply have fun.
Free services are provided to children’s homes, camps for unhealthy, physically and mentally challenged children and any other qualifying group. Adventures are catered to the individual group’s skills and/or limitations.
Please call to schedule your trip or for any questions. (803)791-1727.
The St. Andrews Woman’s Club awarded a scholarship to Milan Townsend, an 8th grade student at Dutch Fork Middle School, to attend the Tri-DaAC Consortium this summer, where she will study dance. The Tri-Dac Consortium is a 3-week summer program for middle school students gifted and talented in creative writing, dance, music, theatre, or the visual arts.
Pictured left to right are Steven Puckett, Coordinator of Athletics, Visual & Performing Arts, and Physical Education for School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties, student Milan Townsend, and SAWC members Sarah Ostergaard and Susan Smith.
Kaye Jones and Gail Elfert recently presented a check to our Executive Director, Jill McHugh on behalf of the St. Andrews Woman's Club.
The $1200 scholarship will be used for an Unaccompanied Youth to help provide tuition assistance, books and materials, and/or assist in transportation to and from school!
We are so grateful for these ladies and their longstanding support of Palmetto Place! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
St Andrews Woman’s Club members, Lynne Hauptner and Daryl Hendrix, presented a $3000 check to Lynn Young, Founder and Director of MOR, and Amy Aaron, Outreach Coordinator on February 15, 2023. These funds came from a South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs Progress Foundation grant. Midlands Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect in the Midlands. Not pictured are Susan Smith, Dianne McCarty, Ann Marie Shepherd, and Monta Avera whose generous donations last year helped make this possible.
Pictured from l to r are: Lynn Young, Founder and Director of MOR, Lynne Hauptner, SAWC, Daryl Hendrix, SAWC and Amy Aaron, Outreach Coordinator at MOR.
Thirteen club members recently donated their time on a Tuesday and Thursday morning slicing our handmade Sawcy soap into individual bars. This was to benefit a shelter that provides showers and laundry facilities for the homeless: Clean of Heart.
Over 1200 individual slices were cut and put into baggies for them. This project was done in support of our club's Day of Service.
The St. Andrews Woman’s Club recently presented Leo’s Pride Foundation a $5000 check in sponsorship of the Little Owl Library, a part of the expansion of Leo’s Landing located at Saluda Shoals Park. The club received a grant from the South Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs Progress Foundation to support this project. The club also donated $1000 additional funding to provide books for the children that emphasize inclusion, diversity, and kindness. Left to right: Meredith Bugenske, Frances Hill, Chairman of SAWC Education and Libraries CSP, SAWC members, Katherine Keckeisen, Barbara Cross, Elizabeth Taylor, and Becky Travis; Adam Bugenske. In front, their daughter and son Leo.
The St. Andrews Woman's Club held a school supply drive for some of the local elementary schools this summer. We were able to supply 4 schools with big bags of much needed school supplies. The club has plans to do this again this year to help other schools.
Dutch Fork Elementary School
Nursery Road Elementary School with club member Shelly Langston on the left presenting the supplies
Seven Oaks Elementary School with club member Shelly Langston (far left) and Leann Angel (far right) presenting the supplies
On October 24, 2022 the members of the St. Andrews Woman’s Club were entertained by their guest speaker Tom Poland. Tom is an author and a resident of Irmo, SC. He has written over a dozen books about our beautiful state. He enjoys going the backroads and finding the hidden gems that we miss when we jump on an interstate and take off. If you get a chance grab one of his books and get lost in South Carolina with his stories.
Pictured are SAWC member Lynne Hauptner and guest speaker, Tom Poland
Becky Travis, chairman of Health and Wellness Community Service Program of the St Andrews Woman’s Club, Elizabeth Taylor, Barbara Cross and Frances Hill plant a pinwheel garden at Leo’s Landing, Saluda Shoals Park, to bring awareness to Child Abuse Prevention.
Members of the St. Andrews Woman's Club took part in the dedication of two new homes in their role as sponsors of the homes. The club provided a home library for each family including a new lamp and a bookcase filled with a selection of the more than 90 books chosen specially to fit the interests of each family member.
Pictured left to
Members of the St. Andrews Woman's Club took part in the dedication of two new homes in their role as sponsors of the homes. The club provided a home library for each family including a new lamp and a bookcase filled with a selection of the more than 90 books chosen specially to fit the interests of each family member.
Pictured left to right are Beth Taylor, Monta Avera, Gail Elfert, Frances Hill, and Kaye Jones.